
How Long Will It Take To Double Your Money?
Scot Whiskeyman Scot Whiskeyman

How Long Will It Take To Double Your Money?

Doubling your money - sounds good! But how long will that take? Well, the answer is: it depends on how long you’re investing, and how much you’re earning on your money. However, there is the Rule of 72, which can give you more of a mathematical answer.

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What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
Scot Whiskeyman Scot Whiskeyman

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

One of the best things I ever did for myself was come up with a “list of stuff you can do when you don’t know what do.” It’s a live, malleable document I keep online, filled with stuff that will make smarter, happier, wealthier or healthier whenever I get stuck. I update it whenever I think of new things that can go on the list, and reference it a few times a month.

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The Harsh Reality of Entrepreneurship
Scot Whiskeyman Scot Whiskeyman

The Harsh Reality of Entrepreneurship

You just need to be more confident, and then you’ll make more money. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, you know you need those two things, and you need them desperately, and you don’t really care in what order they come.

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